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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

MIYATA Masayuki. Kiriegashu (1972)

MIYATA Masayuki. Kirie-gashu (Collection of Cut-Paper Paintings / Collection de tableaux de papiers découpés). Tokyo : Kodansha, Showa 47 (1972). 1st ed., 1st pr., INSCRIBED, SIGNED. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

Description — In-4° (30 x 22 x 2.5 cm), (110) p., 1.2 kg.
Pict. hardcover & slipcase, rhodoid, b&w ill. Inscribed & signed by MIYATA (black felt-tip pen, personal seal).
Cartonnage & étui ill., rhodoïd, ill. n&b. ENVOI autographe signé de MIYATA (feutre noir, sceau personnel).

État / Condition — Excellent.

Remarques & avis / ReviewMasayuki MIYATA (1926-1997) is a renowned Japanese artist and illustrator. At first a woodblock printer, his splendid "kirie" (cut papers) were soon noticed, by TANIZAKI Junichiro among others, and had a phenomenal success. A beautiful work of Medieval Japan, geisha, monsters, zen, tatoos, Kyoto... in strong black & white contrasts.

MIYATA Masayuki (1926-1997) est un artiste et illustrateur japonais renommé. À l'origine graveur sur bois, ses splendides "kiri-e" (papiers découpés) furent rapidement remarqués, entre autres par TANIZAKI Junichiro, et connurent un succès phénoménal. Magnifique ouvrage de Japon médiéval, geisha, monstres, zen, tatouages, Kyoto... en forts contrastes noir & blanc.

Divers / Misc. — x

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