déjà-vu. N°17, Summer 1994: FURUYA Seiichi / August SANDER. Tokyo: Photo-planète Co., 1994. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — In-4° (30 x 23 x 1 cm), 130 p., 850 g.
Broché, couv. ill., photos coul. et n&b. Texte en japonais ; table des matières, une part des textes & légendes, et résumés en anglais.
Pict. softcover, color and b&w pictures. Text in Japanese ; table of contents, part of the texts & captions, and summaries in English.
État / Condition — Fine / Bon.
Remarques & avis / Review — Dix-septième numéro, consacré à FURUYA Seiichi et à August SANDER, de la très-influente déjà-vu - a photography quarterly, revue photographique japonaise de luxe qui sévit de 1990 à 1995. Cf. table des matières dans Divers.
Here is the seventeenth issue, dedicated to FURUYA Seiichi and August SANDER, of the very influential déjà-vu - a photography quarterly, deluxe photography magazine published between 1990 and 1995. Cf. table of contents in Misc.
Divers / Misc. — À la table / Table of Contents :
FURUYA Seiichi : Expulsion-Flight
Christine FRISINGHELLI — Describing from a Distance
War and Photography : An Interview with FURUYA Seiichi
August SANDER's Portraits : An Unfinished Atlas
ARAKI Nobuyoshi — Kabuki Postures
TAKI Koji — A Man who Told His Times
KOBAYASHI Yasuo — Matter and Light in August SANDER
BETSUYAKU Minoru — Man as Foreign Matter
reviews, topics, essays
SAWARAGI Noi — Pixels and Clay
YASUMI Akihito — The Blind Passion
UENO Toshiya — A Crisis of Representation
MINATO Chihiro — European Notes 5 : The Atlantic
IKUI Eiko — A Rhetoric of Photography 4 : Notes on the Photography of the Sixties, Part 2
English Review : Arturo SILVA — Anonymous, and Yet...
Nippon Paper Industrues Workshop, Part 2
INOUE Tsuguya — maidens

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