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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

Deja-vu #17 : FURUYA Seiichi / August SANDER (1994)

déjà-vu. N°17, Summer 1994: FURUYA Seiichi / August SANDER. Tokyo: Photo-planète Co., 1994. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

Description — In-4° (30 x 23 x 1 cm), 130 p., 850 g.
Broché, couv. ill., photos coul. et n&b. Texte en japonais ; table des matières, une part des textes & légendes, et résumés en anglais.
Pict. softcover, color and b&w pictures. Text in Japanese ; table of contents, part of the texts & captions, and summaries in English.

État / Condition — Fine / Bon.

Remarques & avis / Review — Dix-septième numéro, consacré à FURUYA Seiichi et à August SANDER, de la très-influente déjà-vu - a photography quarterly, revue photographique japonaise de luxe qui sévit de 1990 à 1995. Cf. table des matières dans Divers.

Here is the seventeenth issue, dedicated to FURUYA Seiichi and August SANDER, of the very influential déjà-vu - a photography quarterly, deluxe photography magazine published between 1990 and 1995. Cf. table of contents in Misc.

Divers / Misc. — À la table / Table of Contents :

FURUYA Seiichi : Expulsion-Flight

Christine FRISINGHELLI — Describing from a Distance
War and Photography : An Interview with FURUYA Seiichi

August SANDER's Portraits : An Unfinished Atlas

ARAKI Nobuyoshi — Kabuki Postures
TAKI Koji — A Man who Told His Times
KOBAYASHI Yasuo — Matter and Light in August SANDER
BETSUYAKU Minoru — Man as Foreign Matter

reviews, topics, essays
SAWARAGI Noi — Pixels and Clay
YASUMI Akihito — The Blind Passion
UENO Toshiya — A Crisis of Representation
MINATO Chihiro — European Notes 5 : The Atlantic
IKUI Eiko — A Rhetoric of Photography 4 : Notes on the Photography of the Sixties, Part 2
English Review : Arturo SILVA — Anonymous, and Yet...

Nippon Paper Industrues Workshop, Part 2
INOUE Tsuguya — maidens

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