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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

MORIYAMA Daido. Northern (Hokkaido / 2009)

MORIYAMA Daido. Northern. Tokyo: Akio Nagasawa Publ., 2009. First ed. & pr., SIGNED. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

Description — In-4° oblong (21,5 x 30 x 1,5 cm), 192 p., 850 g.
Pict. softcover, pict. obi, full-page b&w pictures, DVD included (video & slideshow). Text in Japanese. Copy signed by MORIYAMA (pencil).
Couv. souple ill., bandeau ed. ill., photographies n&b à pleine page, DVD inclus (vidéo & diaporama). Texte en japonais. Exemplaire signé par MORIYAMA (crayon-mine).

État / Condition — MINT COPY.

Remarques & avis / Review — Less massive than his Hokkaido, Northern depicts Daido MORIYAMA's three-month trip in the Northern Island of Japan in 1978. The pictures are impressive, the mood is dark and desolate, snowy land & city scapes, people and stray animals, in Hokkaido's barren land, all in excellent full-page b&w matte printing on thick paper. Perfect signed copy.

Moins volumineux que son Hokkaido, Northern peint le voyage de MORIYAMA Daido dans l'île septentrionale du Japon pendant trois mois en 1978. Les photographies sont impressionnantes, l'humeur est sombre et désolée, paysages de neige et scènes urbaines, gens et animaux errants, dans la terre vide d'Hokkaïdo, le tout en excellente impression mate en noir et pleine page, sur papier épais. Exemplaire signé, parfait.

Divers / Misc. — The DVD includes an interview, and pictures which are not in the book. / Le DVD contient une interview, et des photographies qui ne sont pas dans le livre.

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