ARAKI Nobuyoshi. Visions of Japan: Shin Tenshi Matsuri (The New Festival of Angels). Kyoto: Korinsha, 1998. 1st ed. & pr.
— AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — Square 8vo (22 x 22 x 2 cm), (108) p., 700 g.
Cloth binding, pict. dj, color pictures (glossy). Foreword, Biography, illustrated bibliography, in Japanese.
Condition — Excellent.
Review — A beautiful and colorful nude photobook by ARAKI Nobuyoshi from Korin-sha's excellent and short-lived (bankruptcy) collection 'Visions of Japan'. A fastuous festival and carnival: women in baths, pregnant, painted, in school uniform, in kimono outfit, etc., among several painted flowers and a man in make-up and murder pretense, all served by great skill, excellent crafting and A's legendary lust and wit.
Divers / Misc. — Also published with text in English (international edition) with a pink dj.

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