HOSOE Eikoh. Houyou (Embrace). Tokyo : Shashin Hyoron-sha, Showa 46 (1971). First edition, SIGNED.
— AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — Folio (38 x 26,5 x 2,5 cm), (96) p., 1.4 kg.
Black cloth binding, dj, slipcase, b&w pictures. Preface by Yukio MISHIMA, Postface by Eikoh HOSOE, in Japanese. SIGNÉ par HOSOE.
Reliure toile noire, jaquette, étui, photographies n&b. Préface par MISHIMA Yukio, Postface par HOSOE Eikoh, en japonais. SIGNED by HOSOE.
État / Condition — Good (foxing on first 12 and last 10 pages only, otherwise excellent).
Remarques & avis / Review — One of Eikoh HOSOE's masterworks, of fantastic monochrome nudes sometimes close to abstraction, in a superb oversized volume. Signed copy.
L'une des œuvres maîtresses de HOSOE Eikoh, de fantastiques nus monochromes parfois proches de l'abstraction, dans un superbe volume grand format. Exemplaire signé.
Divers / Misc. — New edition in 1977 (Asahi Sonorama).

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