ISHIUCHI Miyako. Sawaru / Chromosome XY (Touch). Tokyo: Shincho-sha (Photo Musée), 1995. First ed., SIGNED. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Description — In-8° (20 x 15 x 1 cm), (144) p., 350 g.
Softcover, pict. dj, b&w pictures. Biography in English & Japanese. Copy signed and dated '1995' by Miyako ISHIUCHI (black ink, pen, star-shaped stamp).
Couv. souple, jaquette ill., photographies n&b. Biographie en anglais & japonais. Ex. signé et daté "1995" par ISHIUCHI Miyako (encre noire, stylo, tampon en forme d'étoile).
État / Condition — Excellent.
Remarques & avis / Review — Superb close-ups of nude male bodies, with their portraits, by Miyako ISHIUCHI. Some famous photographers and artists in the lot!
Superbes plans rapprochés de corps masculins nus, avec leurs portraits, par ISHIUCHI Miyako. Des photographes renommés dans le lot !
Divers / Misc. — Portraits and bodies of / Portraits et corps de :
KUWABARA Kineo — FUJIKURA Kiyoshi — TANEMURA Suehiro — HIRAGA Kei — ARITA Taiji — MOCHIZUKI Akira — FUKASE Masahisa — Tim MACMILLAN — SAWATARI Hajime — Jean-J. DAOÛT — HIDAKA Bin — Darius SHEPARD — KAWAMOTO Kouhei — Nick ENGLAND — Arturo SILVA — KANNO Toshio — Peter RIDE — MINATO Masahiro — KUROKAWA Hiroyuki — MURAKAMI Yasuhiro — Lloyd SLATON — Kenneth T. MORINAGA — OKANARI Hideoki — OKA Keisuke —

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