Asahi Camera Masterclass Series: 1) Portrait Photography, 2) Lens & Camera, 3) Sensitized Material & Enlargement, 4) Color Photography, 5) Landscape Photography, 6) Commercial Photography. 6 volumes. Tokyo : Asahi Shinbun-sha (Asahi Camera Kyoshitsu), Showa 34-35 (1959-60). — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 6 vol. 8° (23.5 x 19 x 8 cm), 6 x 188 p., 2.9 kg.
Clothbound softcovers, pict. slipcases, color & b&w frontispieces, color and b&w photographs, b&w illustrations. Text in Japanese.
Couv. souple, étui ill., frontispices coul. et n&b, photographies coul. et n&b, illustrations n&b. Texte en japonais.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — The excellent late 1950s photography masterclass series by Asahi Camera, in six fine volumes with slipcase, with pictures and texts by renowned Japanese photographers & critics — KIMURA Ihei, NAKAMURA Rikko, SHIMADA Kinsuke, OTSUKA Gen, NAKAMURA Masaya, SASAI Akira, KANO Yu, INA Nobuo, YOSHIOKA Senzo, AKIYAMA Seiji. Quite uncommon, particularly a complete set and in a fine condition.
L'excellente série de masterclass de photographie à la fin des années 1950 par Asahi Camera, en six beaux volumes sous étui, avec photos et textes par des photographes et critiques japonais renommés — KIMURA Ihei, NAKAMURA Rikko, SHIMADA Kinsuke, OTSUKA Gen, NAKAMURA Masaya, SASAI Akira, KANO Yu, INA Nobuo, YOSHIOKA Senzo, AKIYAMA Seiji. Assez peu courant, particulièrement en set complet et en bon état.
Divers / Misc. — For detailed descriptions & availability, please see:
Pour descriptions détaillées & disponibilité, voir :
1. KIMURA Ihei / INA Nobuo / YOSHIOKA Senzo / AKIYAMA Seiji / NAKAMURA Rikko. Portrait Photography (1959)
2. INA Nobuo / KIMURA Ihei / WATANABE Yoshio.. Lens and Camera (1959)
3. SASAI Akira / KANO Yu. Sensitized Materials & Photo Enlargement (1959)
4. KIMURA Ihei. Color Photography (1959)
5. WATANABE Yoshio / SHIMADA Kinsuke / OTSUKA Gen. Landscape Photography (1960)
6. KANAMARU Shigeru / TAMURA Sakae / WATANABE Tsutomu. Commercial Photography (1960)

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