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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

Gendai Nihon Shashin Zenshu (9 vol. 1958-1959)

GENDAI NIHON SHASHIN ZENSHU (Contemporary Japanese Photography Collection). Tokyo: Sogen-sha (Gendai Nihon Shashin Zenshu 1-9), 1958-1959. 9 volumes.OUT OF STOCK

Description — 9 folio volumes (35 x 26 x 1 cm each), softcovers, pict. dj (gravure), glassine paper dj.

État / Condition — x

Remarques & avis / Review — An excellent collection, in large-sized volumes printed in deep gravure, supervised by WATANABE Tsutomo and SHIGEMORI Koen.

Divers / Misc. — 1 - KIMURA Ihei. 2 - DOMON Ken. 3 - HAMAYA Hiroshi. 4 - Realism. 5 - Portrait. 6 - Fukei (Landscapes). 7 - Nude Photo. 8 - Dobutsu (Animals). 9 - Sangaku (Mountains and Hills).

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