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TERAYAMA Shuji. Inugami-ke no Hitobito / Les gens de la famille Chien-Dieu (1975)

TERAYAMA Shuji. Inugami-ke no Hitobito / Les gens de la famille Chien-Dieu (The Inugamis / The God-Dogs). Gensou Shashin-kan / Photothèque imaginaire (An Imaginary Photo Album). Tokyo: Yomiuri Shinbunsha, 1975. 1st ed.OUT OF STOCK

Description — 4to (29.5 x 20.5 x 2 cm), printed hardcover, pict. dj, obi, color and b&w pictures, text in Japanese.

État / Condition — x

Remarques & avis / Review — Amusing series of photo-compositions on the theme of a fake family photo-album (fake portraits-postcards, pictures torn and stitched back together, SM, bondage and heavily maked-up/masked family portraits, ARAKI's Fake Reportage/Sentimental Journey-like portraits of lovers, etc.) starring TERAYAMA Shuji's Tenjo Sajiki troupe (the play Inugami was performed in 1969). All present is Terayama's subersive intent and humor: to try and change society not by shocking the minds but by laughing and showing grotesque and sexual representations of social institutions and rules, decontructed and reconstructed (very much like those pictures torn into pieces and sewn back together): the family, be it the relationships between parents and children, brothers and sisters, or even between grand-parents and grand-children (through the age difference between lovers in the counter-intuitive form of a young man with an old lady), but also more broadly between man and woman, through portraits of transvestites and the publicisation of playful sex. On another level, Terayama may point out that the true family is the one we choose for ourselves (in his case, his theater troupe), unbound by social judgments and taboos. On a side note, a laughing SAWATARI Hajime appears in a transvestite portrait in the 5th section.

Divers / Misc. — REF: BERTOLOTTI, Livres de nu, p. 162-163.

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