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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

TERAYAMA Shuji / MORIYAMA Daido. Jidai no Shashu (1967)

TERAYAMA Shuji / MORIYAMA Daido. Jidai no Shashu (The Archer of the Era). Tokyo: Haga Shoten, Showa 42 (1967). 1st edition, 1st printing.OUT OF STOCK

Description — 12mo (19 x 13 x 2 cm), 318 p., pict. hardcover & dj, cover (2) + 10 photos by Moriyama, lay-out by TANAKA Ikko. Text in Japanese.

État / Condition — x

Remarques & avis / Review — Essays by TERAYAMA with impressive — and some now famous — very grainy monochrome pictures by MORIYAMA Daido.

Divers / Misc. — Was reprinted several times. Quite uncommon in first printing.

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