OKURA Shunji. Tokyo X. Tokyo : Kodansha, 2000. First ed. & pr., INSCRIBED, A.L.S. — AVAILABLE: Cf. Divers / Misc.
Description — In-4° (30 x 22 x 2 cm), (212) p., 900 g.
Pict. softcover, obi, b&w pistures. Postface "Why Tokyo X ?" by OKURA Shunji, Index, Biography, in both English and Japanese. Cf. Misc.
Couv. souple ill., bandeau éditeur, photographies n&b. Postface "Why Tokyo X ?" par OKURA Shunji, Index, Biographie, en anglais et japonais. Cf. Divers.
État / Condition — Cf. Divers / Misc.
Remarques & avis / Review — Inspired by the reading of George ORWELL's 1984, Shunji OKURA strides here through the Tokyo-megalopolis of dark corners and small streets, of large avenues and fake lights, and the contrast between poverty and luxury, the rule and the margin, in truly excellent street shots in black and white. An important testimony and book that shall mark its time. Unavoidable. A personal favorite.
Inspiré par la lecture du 1984 de George ORWELL, OKURA Shunji parcourt ici le Tokyo-mégapole des coins sombres et ruelles, des grandes avenues et du faux éclairage, et du contraste entre misère et luxe, la règle et la marge, en d'excellents clichés de rue en noir et blanc. Témoignage et livre important qui fera date. Incontournable. Un favori personnel.
Divers / Misc. — Available copies / Exemplaires disponibles :
1.1. OKURA Shunji. Tokyo X (2000)
1st ed. & pr., obi, INSCRIBED, A.L.S.
Inscribed by OKURA Shunji to MASAOKA Michikazu (golden ink) and dated '2000.12.19'. Inlaid: autographed letter, signed, to the same, (1) p. (25,5 x 17,5 cm). / Envoi d'OKURA Shunji à MASAOKA Michikazu, à l'encre dorée, daté "2000.12.19". Joint : une lettre autographe signée, au même, (1) f. (25,5 x 17,5 cm).
Description: Bon (couv. lég. frottée) / Fine (light wear to cover).
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
1.2. OKURA Shunji. Tokyo X (2000)
1st ed. & pr., obi, INSCRIBED.
Inscribed by Shunji OKURA, signed and dated "2000.12.19" (golden ink), personal seal. / Envoi d'OKURA Shunji signé et daté "2000.12.19" (encore dorée), sceau personnel.
Description: Excellent.
AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing
Voir aussi / See also : OKURA Shunji. Tokyo Freedom (2005)

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