Asahi Camera Nenkan / Annual 1955. Tokyo: Asahi Shinbun-sha, Showa 30 (1955). — OUT OF STOCK
Description — 4to (26 x 18.5 x 1.5 cm), hardcover, pict. dj, (2)-4(index) p., 10 color & 132 b&w pictures, 52(Japanese text)-(42: ads) p.
État / Condition — x
Remarques & avis / Review — A great selection of pictures, by KIMURA Ihei, MIKI Jun, WATANABE Yoshio, UEDA Shoji (an old hen house), SHIMADA Kinsuke, KONDO Tatsuo, SHIMIZU Isshu, HOSOE Eikoh (a laughing black Middleton mama), Irie Taikichi, DOMON Ken, AKIYAMA Shotaro (one of his most famous street portraits), HAMAYA Hiroshi, MIDORIKAWA Yoichi (Naruto Strait, cf. Setonaikai ’62), IWAMIYA Takeji, OTAKE Shoji, etc.
Divers / Misc. — x

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