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☞ The Photographic Prints, Posters & Postcards on one hand, and the Original Artworks, Drawings and Prints on the other, now have their own, especially dedicated pages! These sections had grown so vast that navigation was getting unpractical. Better now, we hope.

TSUCHIDA Hiromi. Zokushin / Gods of Earth (1976)

TSUCHIDA Hiromi. Zokushin / Gods of the Earth (Les dieux de la terre). Yokohama, Ottos Books-sha, 1976. 1st ed. — AVAILABLE: see STOCKLIST for pricing

Description — Square, thick in-4° (25,5 x 28 x 3 cm), 236 p., 1.7 kg.
Hardcover, pict. dj, slipcase, (104) b&w pictures. Foreword by YASUNAGA Toshinobu, Preface 'Gods of the Earth' by MATSUNAGA Goichi, Captions & Biography, in English and Japanese.

État / Condition — EXCELLENT.

Remarques & avis / ReviewHiromi TSUCHIDA's first photobook, a marvel of contrasted monochrome pictures of communities and individuals during Japanese religious festivals, in rural areas and big cities (Kyoto, Tokyo). The book itself is a paragon of photobook crafting: excellent design, paper, printing and finishing touch, a true treat. A very impressive and eery work, and a personal favorite.

Le premier livre de photographies de TSUCHIDA Hiromi, une merveille de photographies monochromes contrastées, de communautés et individus lors de festivals religieux japonais, en zones rurales et grandes villes (Kyoto, Tokyo). Le livre est en lui-même un parangon de confection de photobook : réalisation, design, papier, impression et finition excellents, un vrai régal. Un ouvrage impressionnant et inquiétant, et favori personnel.

Divers / Misc. — Photographs taken in the prefectures of :

Aomori — Akita — Aichi — Yamanashi — Nara — Fukuoka — Shizuoka — Mie — Nagano — Kagoshima — Miyazaki — Gunma — Chiba — Kyoto (Okazaki, Gion) — Tokyo (Asakusa, Omori, Ikebukuro) — Okinawa

Cf. eyecurious' review of the new edition (2004).

Ref.: KANEKO VARTANIAN, Japanese Photobooks, 192-195.

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